Just before Christmas I received news that my ZonMW Enabling Technologies Hotel proposal called RENEW: Resequencing Nasonia to Enhance its Workability is getting subsidized!
Very soon the Netherlands Society for Evolutionary Biology will be a fact and we will celebrate this initiative with our first ever meeting on the 11th of April 2018 in Akousticum in Ede.
Does climate change spell doom for sea turtles only because of the way they determine their sex?
Recently, scientists discovered by accident that a small strip of Whatman no. 1 paper can capture nucleic acids rapidly from a crude mixture containing ground up tissue in a lysis buffer. The paper strip can then be quickly washed without releasing the nucleic acid. After these steps, the paper strip retains enough nucleic acids to be dipped into a PCR reaction mixture and be used for amplification (Zou et al. 2017).
September 2018